Digital Weight Machine price in Bd || SUMO Digital Scale

Platform Scale

Buy Best Quality Digital Weight Machine with reasonable price which is manufactured in Bangladesh by a industrial company named as Shova Advanced Technologies Limited under the brand SUMO Digital Scale . We are working about Digital Scales . From our 10 years experience , we believe that our ” MADE IN BANGLADESH ” products are the best for the customers . Continue reading

SSWIM and LSWIM Technology in Digital Truck Scale

sumo weigh bridge 80ton

Buy Best Quality Digital Weighbridge with reasonable price which is manufactured in Bangladesh . Presently we are thinking that we will try to bring new technology called SSWIM and HSWIM in our weighbridges so motion weight can be easily recorded Continue reading

6 Meter x 3 Meter SUMO Weighbridge Installation Method?

Truck Scale

In developing countries like Bangladesh, installing and moving heavy machines is a bit difficult. In most cases, the Truck Scale / Weighbridge is installed and moved manually by humans. The way Truck Scale / Weighbridge is made and installed in the developed world, SUMO truck scale of different sizes is… Continue reading

৬ মিটার x ৩ মিটার ট্রাক স্কেল/SUMO ওয়েব্রীজ ইন্সটলেশন পদ্ধতি

sumo weigh bridge 80ton

বাংলাদেশের মত উন্নয়নশীল দেশে ভারী মেশিন স্থাপন এবং স্থানান্তর একটু কঠিন। বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে মানুষের দ্বারা ম্যানুয়াল ভাবে Truck Scale / Weigh Bridge স্থাপন ও এবং স্থানান্তর করা হয়। উন্নত বিশ্বে যে ভাবে Truck Scale / Weigh Bridge তৈরি এবং স্থাপন করা হয়, বাংলাদেশের প্রেক্ষাপটে কিছুটা পরিবর্তন করে ভবিষ্যতে সার্ভিস সেবার… Continue reading

Most of the use of SUMO Weighbridge In Bangladesh

sumo weigh bridge 80ton

Many types of machinery are required to build an industrial factory. Among them, SUMO Truck Scale / SUMO Digital Weighbridge is an essential industrial machine. There is no substitute for SUMO Truck Scale / SUMO Digital Weighbridge to verify the accuracy of raw material weight in both industrial establishments when… Continue reading

বাংলাদেশে উৎপাদিত উন্নত প্রযুক্তি,সঠিক মানের Weighbridge

sumo truck scale

একটি শিল্প কারখানা গড়তে অনেক ধরনের মেশিনারিজের প্রয়োজন হয়। তন্মধ্যে SUMO Truck Scale / SUMO Digital Weigh Bridge একটি অপরিহার্য্য শিল্প মেশিন। শিল্পের কাঁচামাল ট্রাক বা লড়িতে যখন একটি ফ্যাক্টরী থেকে অন্য ফ্যাক্টরীতে স্থানান্তর হয় তখন উভয় শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠানেই কাঁচামালের ওজনের সঠিকতা যাচাই করার জন্য SUMO Truck Scale / SUMO… Continue reading

Weigh Bridge

SUMO Weigh Bridge 100Ton

Sumo Weigh Bridge | Capacity 20Ton More Details Buy Now Sumo Weigh Bridge | Capacity 40Ton More Details Buy Now Sumo Weigh Bridge | Capacity 60Ton More Details Buy Now Sumo Weigh Bridge | Capacity 80Ton More Details Buy Now Sumo Weigh Bridge | Capacity 100Ton More Details Buy Now

SUMO Weighbridge/Truck Scale

Truck Scale

A Truck Scale / Weighbridge is an enormous arrangement of scales, generally mounted forever on a solid establishment, that is utilized to gauge whole rail or street vehicles and their substance. By gauging the vehicle both vacant and when stacked, the heap conveyed by the vehicle can be determined.  Sumo… Continue reading

How SUMO is keeping up with Industrial Weighing solution

Truck Scale

Industrial Scale is a type of scale which is highly used in Industries, Rice Mill, Flour Mill, Garments and so on. In every step of working in industries, they need to measure their products. In industries both heavy weight and light weight need to be measured. For example, if light… Continue reading